Hi, I’m back.

You are probably wondering what I’m going to say here, but I have to say, there isn’t much going on in my head right now to put down here.  However, I will say that I’m ready to write again.  This is not an empty promise, but I have gone through some stuff.  Internally, I was devastated and inside myself on my situation.  Frankly, it was something I knew I would have to deal with, but I didn’t.

What did he say?

Sometimes I talk too fast.  I just say what comes into my mind, so let me just apologize for my previous post that was completely incorrect at the introduction.  I could go back […]

Quarterly Reporting

I will finish this work at some point.  But for now, let’s just say that the way the laws are currently written and the way my conviction was written binds […]

The Darkest Things

I’m all for honesty, but sometimes you hold things close to you, not because you are waiting for a moment to pounce or waiting for that time to let it all fly… no, most folks have skeletons and icky things stored away in various nooks and crannies because revealing them would scare most folk.