You will be shocked by this! Sex offender recidivism rates have been a topic of concern for policymakers, law enforcement, and the public for years. One statistic that has been commonly cited is the claim that 80% of sex offenders will reoffend.
FeaturedHi, I’m back.
You are probably wondering what I'm going to say here, but I have to say, there isn't much going on in my head right now to put down here. However, I will say that I'm ready to write again. This is not an empty promise, but I have gone...
Reducing Recidivism: The Effectiveness of Sex Offender Treatment Programs
Sex offender treatment programs (SOTPs) have become a crucial component of the criminal justice system, aiming to rehabilitate individuals convicted of sexual offenses and Reducing Recidivism
Step 0 – The Longest Step
About Sex Addicts Anonymous
This article is not yet finalized SAA or Sex Addicts Anonymous is an organization that seeks to help the sexually addicted individual to continually and progressively seek help in managing their addiction. In their words:</p> <blockquote> <p> A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and...
What did he say?
Sometimes I talk too fast. I just say what comes into my mind, so let me just apologize for my previous post that was completely incorrect at the introduction. I could go back to revise it, but I would rather have the conversation than just quiet anyone who would comment on what...
I played a game alone with a girl who is still in high school. Intentionally. We had a good time...
Quarterly Reporting
I will finish this work at some point. But for now, let’s just say that the way the laws are currently written and the way my conviction was written binds me to personally and in-person reporting the specific details of my life (address, job, contact information, online identifiers, etc.)...
The Sex Addiction Cycle
It's better to be safe than hurt someone.
The Darkest Things
I'm all for honesty, but sometimes you hold things close to you, not because you are waiting for a moment to pounce or waiting for that time to let it all fly... no, most folks have skeletons and icky things stored away in various nooks and crannies because revealing...