You will be shocked by this! Sex offender recidivism rates have been a topic of concern for policymakers, law enforcement, and the public for years. One statistic that has been commonly cited is the claim that 80% of sex offenders will reoffend.
Sex Offender
Hi, I’m back.
You are probably wondering what I'm going to say here, but I have to say, there isn't much going on in my head right now to put down here. However, I will say that I'm ready to write again. This is not an empty promise, but I have gone...
I played a game alone with a girl who is still in high school. Intentionally. We had a good time...
Quarterly Reporting
I will finish this work at some point. But for now, let’s just say that the way the laws are currently written and the way my conviction was written binds me to personally and in-person reporting the specific details of my life (address, job, contact information, online identifiers, etc.)...
Stop it already…
The same applies to relationships... yes, even for a sexual addict. There are certain things a sexual addict needs in relationships. It may surprise you that sex is at the bottom of that list.. if it is on the list at all. You see, like people...
Sex Offender Grief: The Most Annoying Thing in 8 Paragraphs
Then there is the last class: the predator. See where I am going here? We already know by their label that they are deep in the throes of addiction