This is your website. It is a reflection of you and your community, its interaction with sex offenders, and how well (or poorly) you learn. We accept that reflection as our current reality while trying to inform you of ourselves. There are no condemnations here except those made by you.

It is a challenge to our person to search out what we do not understand. Please, understand, we in the Sex Offender (SO) community know this all too well as many of us don’t even understand ourselves, much less, those around us.

…we get that.

So, we have created a web site that will allow you a window into our community where we will speak frankly about our struggles, seek to answer your questions, and ask for the help we need in order to benefit you, our reader.

All we ask in return is to be charitable in your interactions, liberal in your feedback, and honest in your questions. Please join us as we seek to have a conversation.

We think everyone will benefit…